Saturday 20 October 2012

الكل – فى 1000 بلاس

الكل – فى 1000 بلاس
الجيل الجديد من مشروب البروبيوتيك الطبيعى

بينما تعتنى الباكتيريا البروبيوتيكية بصحة الجهاز الهضمى ، تقوم العناصر
     المتضمنه فيها بتحفيز تكاثر ونمو الباكتريا الإمعائيه النافعه

هذا المنتج عبارة عن مسحوق يضاف إلى الحليب طويل الأجل – قليل الدسم – ويترك لمدة 12 ساعة حتى يصبح روب

يحتوي على أكثر من 1000 بكتيريا مفيدة

مفيد جدا لمرضى القولون والأشخاص الذين يعانون من القرحة
ومفيد لعسر الهضم وأي أمراض بالجهاز الهضمي.

ليوتن Lutein

ليوتن   Lutein

يمكن أن تلعب دورا هاما في علاج و / أو الوقاية من الأمراض التالية: الإيدز، المرتبطة بالعمر الضمور البقعي، والربو، والذبحة الصدرية، إعتام عدسة العين، وسرطان عنق الرحم، وأمراض القلب، سرطان الحنجرة، وسرطان الرئة، من الذكور والإناث العقم، والتهاب المفاصل والالتهاب الرئوي وسرطان البروستاتا، وسرطان الجلد، داء المبيضات المهبلي وغيرها.

Q 10كيو 10

  Q 10كيو 10

1- لقد تم اكتشاف هذه المادة الهامة بواسطة الدكتور فريدريك كرين في العام 1957 .
2- يتواجد هذا الانزيم في كل الأنسجة الحيوانيه والنباتيه .
3- هي عبارة عن مادة تذوب في الدهون وتستخدم بواسطة الخلايا لاستخلاص الطاقة من الغذاء.
4- تعتمد قدرة أعضائنا الحيوية ( كمثال المخ و القلب و الكبد و الكليتين ) لأداء وظائفها بفعالية عند حصولها ومحافظتها على امداد مستمر من هذا الانزيم الهام.
5- يساهم بشكل كبير في عمليات انتاج الطاقة داخل الخلايا .
6- يعمل على استقرار الحاله الوظيفيه للجدار الخلوي .
7- يتمتع أيضا بقدرة كبيرة على تحييد الأثار للجذيرات الحرة ( مضاد للأكسدة ) .
8- يحسن من آداء الخلية (القلب و الأوعية الدموية )و لهذا فانه يستخدم بشكل واسع في اليابان وروسيا كعامل في علاج حالات قصور القلب والشرايين .
9- اثبتت الدراسات قدرة هذا الانزيم في المساعدة على تحسين ضغط الدم و تنظيم معدل وايقاع ضربات القلب .


ايسوفلافون  Isoflavone

يقلل سن اليأس من حيث العدد والقوة
الرعاية الجيدة للعظام ويمنع هشاشة العظام
الحد من المشاكل الصحية، ويمنع سرطان الثدي
يحمي القلب والأوعية الدموية
بالمقارنة مع أوروبا نسبة الذين يعانون من سرطان البروستاتا في اليابان 2/3 - نظرا لانخفاض الاستهلاك من الايسوفلافون الصويا.

الأنتي أوكسي Antioxy

الأنتي أوكسي  Antioxy

يعمل هذا المنتج على طر الفيروسات زالبكتيريا الضارة من الجسم
بالإضافة إلى تقوية جهاز المناعة
مفيد جدا للذين يعانون من الزكام والرشح


يحتوي على جميع الفيتامينات المعقدة B (B1، B2، B6 و B12). هذه الفيتامينات مهمة: للأعصاب الدماغ والتمثيل الغذائي والجهاز الهضمي والأغشية المخاطية والجلد، وتكوين الدم، وتحسين التركيز.
يوصى به  للرياضيين وللمسنين الذين يتعرضون للإجهاد، للذين يعانون من مشاكل الجلد والشعر،و للنباتيين، والنساء الحوامل، والمدخنين.

لتنشيط الدورة الدموية – لتقوية الحيوانات المنوية

الأوميجا 3

الأوميجا 3

تتلخص الفوائد الصحية لهذا المركب الطبيعي في التالي :
1- يحتوي هذا المنتج على اول فيتامين (د 3 ) محضر بتقنية جديدة تسهل امتصاصه من الجهاز الهضمي بسلاسة ويسر وتضمن تركيزا بيولوجيا عاليا بهذا الفيتامين في الدم والانسجة المغذيه بتأثيراته .
2- ان احتواء المنتج على الاوميغا 3 وفيتامينات (اي ود)
تجعله من المركبات الهامة جدا بصحة القلب والاوعية
الدمويه والعظام والاسنان .
3- إن دور و فعالية الفيتامين (د 3 ) لصحة الانسجة العظمية
, فانه يقوم كذلك بدعم وظائف الجهاز المناعي ويساهم
بالتالي في الوقايه من السرطان كما انه يتميز بخواص
استثنائيه كمضاد للالتهابات .
4- يتم استخلاص هذا المنتج من دهون اسماك التونة

كوكتيل الطاقة

فوائد كوكتيل الطاقة:

1- ينشط عمليات استخلاص الطاقة من الغذاء ( احتراق النشويات ) .
2- مصدر مثالي للكثير من الرياضين وذوي المهن العضلية والذهنية الشاقة والطلاب اذ تعمل على زيادة معدلات انتاج الطاقة داخل الخلايا كما ترفع من مستوى الآداء والقدرة على التحمل .
3- يزود الجسم بكل فيتامينات المجموعة (ب) والتي تدعم القدرة على التركيز ورفع مستوى الآداء العام .
4- يساهم في تقوية القدرات الدفاعية و المناعية للجسم .
5- يدعم حيوية عمل الجهاز الهضمي كما يساهم في رفع مستويات البكتيريا النافعة من اجل وقاية افضل .
6- يزود الجسم ببعض العناصر ذات الخواص المضاده للأكسدة .
7- يزود الجسم بالالياف الذائبة والغير قابلة للذوبان والمركبات الخضرية الثانوية والخمائر ( الانزيمات ) .


فوائد الريستوريت:

1- يعتبر الغطاء الليلي الامثل حيث تكون عمليات تكسير السموم والتخلص منها بواسطة الكبد في حالاتها القصوى بالاضافه الى تسارع عمليات البناء وتجدد الخلايا خارج اطار النشاط اليومي المنهك .  
-          2- يتمتع بتأثير قلوي مباشر على الجسم .
3- يعمل على تنظيم توازن الأملاح والمعادن .
4- غني بعنصري الكروم والزنك اللازمة لتنشيط عمليات إستقلاب الدهون والنشويات وتنظيم مستويات سكر الدم.
5- غني بالنحاس اللازم للمحافظة على نعومة الشعر , وكذللك الزنك الذي يعمل على تحسين وضع الجلد بالإضافه للسيليكون الهام جدا لصحة الأظافر .

مهم جدا لمرضى السكري
يعادل السكر في الدم خلال اسبوعين..

صحة المفاصل

إن مرونة المفاصل مطلب أساسى لحركتنا ونوعية حياتنا . وتحتاج المفاصل الصحيه والغضاريف لإمداد متواصل من العناصر الغذائيه المحدده لضمان تأدية وظائفها على الوجه الأكمل :
1- يحتوى المنتج على تركيبه خاصه من العناصر الحيويه الهامه لمفاصلنا وأغشيتها الخارجية بالإضافة إلى النسيج الغضروفى .
2- جلوكوزأمين والكوندرويتين ( الغضروفين )
  لبناء الغضاريف والأغشيه المفصليه .
3- الفيتامين ”ج“ لدعم مرونة الغضاريف والمفاصل
 وكذلك لتحفيز عمليات ترميم وإعادة بناء العظام والأنسجه .
4- يحتوى على مسحوق الطحالب الطبيعية ( الطحالب البنيه ) والنكه العشبيه الأيورفيديه .
 5- يستعمل فى شكل سائل لضمان أفضل توفر حيوى .
  6- ان تى سى : التقنية التى تحقق أقصى درجة من الإمتصاص الأمثل .
  7- لا يحتوى على مستحلبات أو مواد حافظه .

إذا كنت تعاني من المفاصل فهذا المنتج مهم جدا لبناء الغضاريف وصحة المفاصل

Saturday 6 October 2012


ADDITIONAL Matching Bonus – now building business is being rewarded several times over! Only until December 31, 2012.

The matching bonus to sprint to the end of the year
1. Extended Performance Bonus:
You (are a Manager or higher) and will receive a €50 performance bonus for every new Manager of yours at first level, regardless of when he registered as a Teampartner and how he reaches the Position of Manager for the first time (Quick Start, firstline Autoships, own sales etc.). Everything is possible.

2. Matching Bonus:

For every new second level Manager in your organization you will receive a €50 matching bonus. This counts for every new Manager of a first level Manger of yours within his qualifying month.

That means:

Monday 24 September 2012

The FitLine® Products

The FitLine® Products

Effectiveness, Quality and Safety of the FitLine® Products
Health is one of our most valuable commodities – this is clearly indicated by the huge growth in the market for nutritional supplements during the last few years. Unfortunately, many products with low standards of quality have also been washed onto the market. How is it possible to separate the wheat from the chaff?

One unmistakable criterium is certainly manufacture according to the international quality standard (GMP/ISO). This is not obligatory! However, only 5% of nutritional supplements are produced according to it – the FitLine® products are among them.

Beyond this quality standard, we have developed our own standards to improve the effectiveness of FitLine®. Because it is only effective products that are taken over a long period. Our two concepts, which are unique world-wide, NGP® (Nutrient Group Product) and NTC® (Nutrient Transport Concept) stand for the quantitative and qualitative composition of the products, their effective synergy and, above all, their so-called bioavailability – their absorption into the body. Thanks to those concepts, the FitLine® products can develop their effects exactly where they are needed – in our billions of cells.

Effectiveness, quality, safety – that is what makes the FitLine® products excellent and unique.


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Gone in 60 Seconds!

Gone in 60 Seconds!
PM-International's lead sizzle product starts delivering results for most people in 60 seconds or less. Like all of PM-International's products, Activize OXYPLUS is a proprietary product exclusive to PM only.
The secret to our success is our patented products. Whether it is sluggish energy, muscle aches, selling difficulties or recruiting difficulties…they too can be Gone In 60 Seconds!
Whether you want to retire early and live a fulfilled, healthy and wealthy life or whether you simply want to improve your health and maybe earn a few hundred dollars extra per month, PM-International offers you either.
In a recent survey, over 50% of Americans stated that just $300 per month would make a significant impact on their livesThink about it, what if you could get your car payment covered? Or maybe you save the money for the big vacation once a year? Or you simply put it back towards you children's college fund.
Of course, if you are like most business partners, you will not stop at earning a few hundred dollars extra per month once you have found out just how easy referral marketing can be with PM-International. Some MLM companies have product lines that almost require you to be a doctor to understand them and then it takes hours to explain their benefits to potential customers. At PM-International, we have a product line that speaks for itself. There is one product that literally will "light a spark" in your prospect within minutes! Our FitLine® Activize OXYPLUS produces a visible and noticeable effect within minutes and that is not an exaggeration. Contact us and try it yourself, if you don't believe it.
So, what do you think happens when you meet with an interested person and you can show him or her within 5 minutes how effective FitLine® products are? Do you think that person will listen to what you have to say? Do you think you might get a new customer? A new business partner maybe? Of course!
PM-International has been in business for over 19 years in Europe and has the stability and financial security any other "pioneer" company on the  market can only dream of. The company has won prizes for innovation and provides products that are unique not only in the U.S., but world-wide. What does that mean to our business partners? It means they distribute unique and effective products that guarantee long-term customer loyalty.
Become part of the Wellness Revolution with the market leader in Europe or any part around the world with PM-International. Register for free now and secure your place as one of the first!

Saturday 22 September 2012

Fitline ProShape

Fitline ProShape
In the human body has 28 amino acids. 20 of them can not get outside the body and the other 8 must come from outside. It is these eight so-called eksentsialni amino acids се намират в Fitline ProShape.
Fitline ProShape diet food is contained in concentrated form essential amino acids the body is not allowed to produce only. Made of apple pectin capsules. About 15 minutes enters the bloodstream. The body feels very stable.
Fitline ProShape е:
  • rich in essential amino acids
  • all necessary amino acids
  • contains herbal extract
Purpose: Fitline ProShape increase and maintain muscle mass, increases stamina, offset the energy consumed during heavy muscle, especially suitable for athletes.
Fitline ProShape helps when the body does not itself able to procure the necessary amino acids.
When an imbalance in the amino acids prejudice to the following body functions:
  • concentration
  • coordination
  • overcome stress
  • durability
  • recovery
  • positive mood
  • power supply of the body
  • memory
  • motivation
With Fitline ProShape improves all metabolic processes and helps to optimize weight.
Ingredients: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose capsule, L-leucine L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-lysine hydrochloride. L-phenylalanine, L-threonine, L-methionine, L-treptofan and flavor
We recommend that you take with Q10 and Omega 3.
Usage: Once a day 6 capsules with plenty of water.
One pack contains 180 pcs capsules.
Produced by GPS standard
To read more about Fitline ProShape review article amino acids.
10% discount and free delivery to any city in order +968 92525105 or
Here you will find everything for your health.
With experience of over twenty years of Balgraskiyat market in improving the quality of life.

Fitline Antioxy

Fitline Antioxy
Super antioxidants Fitline Zellschutz is probably the best set of powerful natural antioxidants, which can be found here.
Antioxidants are vital in today's polluted and busy world. Many scientists believe that regular intake can prolong life by 20-30 years and to improve its quality. This is due to their ability to neutralize free radicals (highly reactive molecules that damage the structure and function of living cells).
The accumulation of free radicals is chain-cell damage and lead to degeneration, aging and disease, even cancer. Free radicals cause cell damage in at least three ways:
1. Demolition of the cell wall, leading to cell death;
2. Destruction of cell organelles, leading to impaired vitality, various diseases and premature aging due to cellular dysfunction and hypothyroidism;
3. Demolition of DNA in the nucleus, leading to serious problems in decoding the genetic information and possibly malignant degeneration (cancer).
The body has its own antioxidants, but they are not always able to cope with the environment and burdened with ever increasing negative factors. The main sources of free radicals are solar energy (due to ozone hole), pollution, pesticides, smoking, certain drugs (especially chemotherapy and radiotherapy), a plane flying at high altitudes, the strong stress and others.
Super Antioxidant Fitline Zellschutz protects all cells from degeneration and is extremely useful in:
  • active or passive smokers;
  • daily moderate to high exposure to air pollution - car exhaust, work in an environment with high concentrations of toxins and others.;
  • exposure to chemicals or radiation overdoses;
  • overexposure to sunlight;
  • negative effects of congestion;
  • increased risk of cardiovascular, liver, degenerative and cancer;
  • prophylactically to all people who want to slow aging and maintain in good condition after your body, the 35-40;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy to reduce the risk of congenital anomalies;
  • to keep young, healthy, supple and well-looking skin and reducing wrinkles;
  • to prevent varicose veins and slowing their development, if it occurred. Synergy - the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
Fitline Zellschutz is a powerful combination of ingredients, selected after careful study. Each of them alone has a beneficial effect on the body, but when combined their beneficial effect is enhanced even more.
From the perspective of holistic medicine this product is particularly interesting in that it brings in the human organism selected and harmoniously combined substances.
Observations over the past 400 years suggests that antioxidants is completely harmless and has amazing health benefits. Used across Europe and is known as "food of youth" because of its ability to strengthen collagen and elastin - the main ingredients of the skin, joints and blood vessels. He began is also recommended by many progressive doctors in the U.S. and Canada.
Fitline Zellschutz is water soluble and is absorbed very well by the body. Once in the body remains active 72 hours. It was found that an antioxidant is 20 times better than vitamin. C and 50 times - from vitamins. E.
Perhaps you remember that the enzymes may be involved in the transformation of cancer-causing chemicals. Bioflavonoids, in turn, can interfere in the activities of these enzymes and thus have a positive effect.
This specific combination of bioactive ingredients can help us to enjoy longer and quality of life, be healthy and look younger. It may help to prevent than eighty diseases, including cancer, heart disease, arthritis and most other germs apply non of illnesses associated with harmful chemical effects of free radicals.
Numerous studies have shown that oral intake of certain flavonoids significantly slows the growth of cancers in laboratory animals. Fitline Zellschutz is a powerful antioxidant that cleans with a broom as free radicals and is perhaps the main candidate for further research on cancer prevention.
Fitline Zellschutz decreases much more effective than vitamin. Well, the damage inflicted on tissues by free radicals. He as well as vitamins. C, a beneficial impact on health and brain, protects nerve cells through its unique ability to cross the blood-CSF barrier. Furthermore, reduces inflammation, improves circulation and relieves the state affected by diabetes, arthritis and stroke and protects against cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Fitline Zellschutz is improved peripheral circulation and restores the lost activity of capillaries and blood vessels. Also stabilized red blood cells and maintain the needed flexibility, strengthens weak blood vessels by stabilizing collagen and elastin as a result prevents
It has long been known that the strength of the capillaries were suffering from high blood pressure, reduced to pathological values. If hypertension is combined with weakness of the capillaries, the likelihood of stroke and bleeding of the retina is greatly increased. High blood pressure alone does not cause burst blood vessels, it is because of their reduced resistance and increased permeability. The resistance of the capillaries can also be normalized by regular use of Fitline Zellschutz.
Pycnogenol is very important for brain function, not only because it protects blood vessels, and because it is one of the few orally antioxidants that easily pass the blood-CSF barrier to protect brain cells. The researchers believe that it improves sluggish memory and unhelpful because it is beneficial to blood circulation and cellular nutrition.
Here are some of the previously observed beneficial effects of Fitline Zellschutz:
  • reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, premature aging;
  • strengthens and rejuvenates skin, improves its elasticity and smoothness;
  • reduces allergies (especially effective for hay fever, psoriasis, caused by sun damage);
  • has a positive effect on blood circulation (anti-inflammatory, strengthens capillaries, veins and arteries and makes them more resistant to injury);
  • relieves varicose veins, swollen legs and chronic venous insufficiency, reduces the risk of phlebitis, swelling and inflammation;
  • prevents and helps recovery from heart attacks and strokes;
  • act favorably on the joints (improves their flexibility, reduces pain in swollen joints and the negative effects of sports injuries);
  • helps the treatment of peptic ulcer;
  • increases the vitality of all cells, reducing the effects of stress, strengthens the immune system;
  • improves eyesight and memory;
  • reduces diabetes complications (angiopathy);
  • relieves hay fever, asthma, chronic fatigue, etc..;
  • protects the body from aging, degeneration and cancerous degeneration.
Allergies and Fitline Zellschutz
What many doctors and researchers from Finland, Germany, France, Holland, Britain and others. European countries recommend first for hay fever and related allergies, an antioxidant, since it is the most efficient and gives the fewest side effects. Specifically in relation to hay fever, they think it is extremely efficient, safer and cheaper than most synthetic drugs.
An allergy is associated with the release of histamine from the cell. Pycnogenol and other bioflavonoids prevent the release of histamine and therefore they are much better approach to allergies than the use of antihistamines.
Hope for MS sufferers and their families
It has been shown that MS is associated with immune system problems. It is possible that immune cells begin to attack than common viruses and bacteria, as well as myelin on their central nervous system.
The damage inflicted by free radicals are a major factor in the dysfunction of the immune system. Antioxidants help to restore these functions. The activity of immune cells can be restored or increased with his help. When using Fitline Zellschutz is the number of leukocytes increases.
Tselshuttsa crosses the blood-CSF barrier and protects the brain in several ways: reducing free radical damage, improves the resistance of neurons to hypoxia; strengthen the small blood vessels and improves circulation-, reduces inflammation in direct proportion to the dose.
Especially important is that Fitline Zellschutz heal itself blood-CSF barrier and therefore does not allow passage of leukocytes and antibodies in brain tissue. This leads to the autoimmune process - a fundamental mechanism of damage in MS.
За болните от MS на практика комбинацията от супер антиоксидант Fitline Zellschutz, Fitline Activize and essential fatty acids Fitline Omega 3 gives hope to reduce the damage from the disease and restoration of function due to improved nutrition of the brain. A great advantage is safety and many other beneficial effects on the body as a whole.
Poor concentration and hyperactivity (k/s)
Fitline Zellschutz favorably influenced as neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals in the bloodstream even before the attack, irritated and inflamed cells of the nervous system.
This achieved the following results:
  • general calming effect;
  • greatly increased attention and mental ability to focus over a problem or task;
  • reduced impulsive behavior;
  • reduced aggression;
  • subjective feeling of psychological comfort;
  • increased control over their own thoughts.
In children and adolescents, the effect is expressed more in:
  • improved ratings in school;
  • increased discipline and restraint both in class and at home, improve relations with brothers, sisters and peers;
  • increased efficiency and improved cooperation with teachers and parents;
The products that we recommend to achieve the best results are:

Clear brief action of the product and put themselves content and then
The products that we recommend to achieve the best results are:
Fitline Q10
Fitline Omega 3
Fitline Pro Shape
Fitline Gelenk
One or two times daily 7 g powder (a yaaena spoons) is dissolved in 150 ml water. Drink in the morning and at lunch 20 minutes before meals.
Packing 450 g
Produced by GPS standard
New: Fitline Zellschutz sweetened with STEVIA
Read for stevia and why it is preferred by companies. 10% discount and free delivery to any city in order +968 92525105 or
Here you will find everything for your health.
With experience of over twenty years of Bulgarian market in improving the quality of life.

Fitline Isoflovon

Fitline Isoflovon
Contains extract from soy germ, rich in isoflavones and soy letsetin. Biological effects of soy isoflavones is associated mainly with estrogenic effect.
  • act like estrogens and anti-estrogens;
  • act as protective agents against cancer;
  • act as antioxidants;
  • action as substances strengthening the immune system.
Soy isoflavones are suitable for men and women with menopausal symptoms or near menopause age
Isoflavones are the basis for Fitline Isoflovon is the group of plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). These are substances that have effects similar to female hormones (estrogens), but not steroids.
Biological effects of isoflavones is limited to the following four mechanisms:
  • act like estrogens and anti-oestrogens - like estrogens because they are estrogenic action, such as anti-estrogens because they compete with endogenous estrogen for estrogen receptors and their binding to act as anti-estrogens;
  • action as antikantserogeni;
  • action as substances that strengthen your immune system;
  • act as antioxidants;
Following all these actions can be considered that isoflavones play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases; of menopause and menopause, osteoporosis and some cancers. Scientists and doctors have long been noticed that people from Asian countries often suffer from cardiovascular disease, some cancers, like breast, prostate, colon, osteoporosis, and symptoms of menopause and menopause in women are more lenient. Certainly no one reason and one is the risk factor. No doubt, however, that diet is essential.
During the climacteric and menopause occurs a gradual extinction of ovarian hormonal function and decreased production of estrogen by lowering the level of estrogen in the blood are associated a number of unpleasant symptoms such as hot flushes, sweating, palpitations, anxiety, mood swings and more. It is interesting to note that in Asian countries where soy consumption is much larger, neuro-vegetative symptoms is significantly weaker, and in Japan the term "hot flush" does not even exist. But it does in one study found that the amount of excreted urinary isoflavones in Japanese women is about one hundred times higher compared with the European and American.
In medical practice for treatment of these symptoms apply to many estrogenic chemicals. This is called. hormone replacement therapy. However, there are significant negative aspects - the need for mandatory review and mammology smear every 6 months due to an increased risk of developing breast cancer as the development of this cancer is closely associated with high estrogen levels in the body and cancer the cervix. We must not ignore the many side effects such as fluid retention, weight gain, hair and tendency to thrombosis, especially in women smokers.
An international symposium held in Brussels in 1998, Italian researchers reported a communication for 104 postmenopausal women who received over 12 weeks at 76 mg. isoflavones and 46% of them show a significant reduction of climacteric symptoms.
Isoflavones are also of relevance to osteoporosis, which is a very common modern disease, especially among women in menopause. It is a bone disease in which the firm reduces the mineral component of bone tissue and the bones become brittle and fragile. Medical statistics show that in 1990 the world are registered 1.66 million cases of fracture of the hip, two thirds of whom are women. About 50 factors are responsible for bone strength. These include sports, the level of vit.D and calcium, smoking, hormonal and renal diseases and others. Certainly the way of nutrition and adequate calcium intake is essential, as he and phosphorus are the two main macroelements constituting the mineral part of bone.
Two types of cells in your body constantly counteract. Osteoblasts that build bone marrow and osteoblasts, which ruined it. Isoflavones inhibit osteoclasts by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosine kinase.
Besides influencing menopausal symptoms, isoflavones have a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases and their complications, heart attack and stroke which are the main cause of death in industrially developed countries. They lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lower levels of LDL-cholesterol levels and increases HDL-cholesterol, improve the elasticity of the joints
Fitline Isoflovon
  • reduces climacteric complaints in terms of numbers and strength
  • care is good for bones and prevents osteoporosis
  • reduce health problems and prevents breast
  • protects cardio - vascular system (antioxidant, decreases in the blood ipidite)
Compared to Europe the proportion of sufferers of prostate cancer in Japan is 2/3 - due to low consumption of soy isoflavones.
Currently, isoflavones are discussed in relation to their positive impact on male menopause.
For best results, Fitline Isoflovon be taken to:
Fitline Restorate
Fitline Zellschutz
Before use, shake the bottle! 3.3ml (2/3chaena spoon) is added to any drink.
Packing: 100ml, 1 month.
Ingredients: soy germ extract, rich in soy isoflavones, soy lecithin
Produced by GPS standard
New: Fitline Isoflovon sweetened with STEVIA
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10% discount and free delivery to any city in order +968 92525105 or
Here you will find everything for your health.
With experience of over twenty years of Bulgarian market in improving the quality of life.

Fitline Lutein

Fitline Lutein
In recent years, an increase in eye diseases. AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and cataracts (lens opacities) affect a large percentage of the population. When AMD reading ability and visual acuity decreased and leads to severe visual impairment or blindness in 50 - years old. Today, about 25-30 million people worldwide are affected by this disease. The occurrence of AMD and cataract (cataract) is reduced to the emergence of a large number of free radicals. The risk of ill person from AMD or cataracts can be dramatically reduced by proper nutrition.
Karationidite lutein and zeaksentin play a particularly important role because they are concentrated in the central part of the retina and there form a protective layer against free radical attack. They are the only karatinoidi that are found in the lens and retina of the eye.
Fitline Lutein and zeaksentin Two of the most abundant carotenoid intake. Unlike beta-carotene, alpha carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, these two karationidite not considered provitamin A compounds, as they turn the body into retinol - active form of vitamin A. Although these are carotenoids and yellow pigments, they are concentrated in foods with other colors, especially green leafy vegetables.
Fitline Lutein and zeaksentin have the following functions:
- Antioxidant activity - they are sadedineniya that help fight cancer and delay aging. They are powerful antioxidants,protect body cells from damage caused by the so-called. free radicals.
- Improving the health of your eyes - the eyes are repositories karationidite, lutein and zeaxantine are concentrated in the retina and lens. Studies suggest that higher dietary intake of lutein and zeaxantine is associated with reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
In the long term insufficient intake lutein and zeaxantine is associated with increased risk of chronic diseases including heart disease and various cancers.
Fitline Lutein is sensitive to the processes of cooking and storage. Prolonged cooking of green leafy vegetables reduces their content of lutein.
Karationidite as lutein and zeaxantine are fat-soluble substances and as such require the presence of dietary fat for proper absorption through the digestive tract. Due to the low consumption of fruits and vegetables, many young people do not get enough lutein and zeaxantine. For its part, smokers and people who consume alcohol may also have lower than normal blood levels karationidite.
Medicines to lower cholesterol like Cholestyramine, Colestipol and Colestid, lead to lower blood levels of carotenoids. In addition, margarines enriched with plant sterols as Benecol, can reduce the absorption of karationidite. Olestra,replacement of fat that is added to snack foods may also reduce the absorption of lutein and zeaxantine.

Fitline Lutein and zeaxantine can play an important role in the treatment and / or preventing the following diseases: AIDS, age-related macular degeneration, asthma, angina, cataracts, cancer of the cervix, cervical dysplasia, heart disease, laryngeal cancer, lung cancer, male and female infertility, osteoarthritis, pneumonia, prostate cancer, arthritis, skin cancer, vaginal candidiasis and others.
Fitline Lutein and zeaxanthin contained in most cases together in food supplements, especially those containing extracts of marigold flower.
Green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, turnips, lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, peas and Brussels sprouts are among the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Product Benefits:
·  the world's first mitseliran NanoSolve technology in product and lutein zeaksentin
·  contains only natural ingredients and vitamin Е
·  significantly faster and 5 to 10 times the full absorption of biologically active compounds compared with nemitselirani products in tablet and capsule form
· Contains natural luteinester for - good biousvoyaemost
· Patented method of extracting and patented material
· Friendly method of extraction of natural high quality products
· The highest - quality, cleanliness and security through proceedings in accordance with GMP standards.
To get a better effect in making Fitline Lutein and complete profilaktirane eyes combine it with Fitline Zellschutz
Method of use:
17 drops are added to a drink
Packaging: 30 ml, for 1 month
10% discount and free delivery to any city in order +968 92525105 or
Here you will find everything for your health.
With experience of over twenty years of Bulgarian market in improving the quality of life.

Fitline Activize Oxy

Fitline Activize Oxy
For more physical and mental energy, better concentration
To calm nervous system
Supply the cell with more oxygen
B-vitamins maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart. Work best when taken in combination, than when applied separately. The need increases during illness, stress and surgery.
Fitline Aktivize Oxy contain all the essential vitamins of B complex (B1, B2, B6 and B12). These vitamins are important: the nerves and brain metabolism, digestive tract, mucous membranes and skin, blood formation, and improve concentration. Recommended for athletes to the elderly exposed to stress, skin problems and hair, for vegetarians, pregnant women, smokers and people who regularly consume alcohol.
ANNEX to the vitamin B:
- For smooth operation of the nervous system and supply the body with energy
- Problems with skin, hair and scalp
- For athletes and vegetarians
- Persons exposed to stress
- Smokers and persons who regularly consume alcohol
- The production of blood
- For children, pregnant women, postmenopausal women
- In the absence of vitamin B
- Increased physical and mental load
- Depression, insomnia
- Indigestion
- People with lack of food
- For professional and amateur sports activities
- In restoring the body after an illness (rekovalestsentsiya)
- Patients in treatment, drinking drugs
• are responsible for energy production by removing fuel from carbohydrates, protein and fat in the diet (support metabolism)
• maintain health and normal function of skin, hair, eyes, nails, liver, mouth, digestive system
• protect the immune system by collecting free radicals and neutralize the damage from oxidation
• stimulate the nervous system, protect against stress, enhance physical and mental abilities
B-complex is a group of water soluble vitamins. The body is unable to store as they are excreted in the urine and sweat, so it is necessary mobilization of their daily diet or as supplements. Vitamins have no energy. They are natural catalysts (accelerators) in many biochemical processes governing metabolism (metabolism) in cells, tissues and organs. They contribute to the release of energy, thereby enhancing the biological functions of all organs.
Each of the B vitamins has a unique structure and function. Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and biotin participate in different aspects of energy production, vitamin B6 is essential for the metabolism of amino acids, vitamin B12 and folic acid contributes to cell division.
Enemies of B vitamins, cigarettes, alcohol, ingredients in many birth control pills, antacids (anti-heartburn). B vitamins do not accumulate in the body and must be regularly procured through nutrition and supplements
  • One of the important ingredients of Fitline Aktivize Oxy is Niacin (vitamin B3)
  • niacin naturally helps to regulate cholesterol levels
  • increased resistance when exposed to stress
  • helps fight toxins
In function of the coenzyme (NAD, NADH) involved in niacin metabolism in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Is needed for energy production in the body for proper circulation, right brain activity, to maintain a healthy nervous system, skin, mucous membranes and digestive system. Niacin (Vitamin B3) reduces cholesterol naturally. It also increases resistance to stress and helps to deal with toxins.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) can cause redness, which is annoying but not dangerous. With niacinamide, a special form of niacin, such phenomena do not occur. High doses of niacinamide and vitamin C combined with other vital substances can be used without adverse reactions in the treatment of psychosis and Morbus Alzheimer (from stage I and II).
Food sources: Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, dairy products, meat, fish, alfalfa, parsley, dill seed, peppermint, spirulina (Spirulina).
In the processing of cereals into flour was observed 86% loss of niacin. The white sugar contains no niats
In all the stress is increased intake!
Fitline Aktivize Oxy as a dietary supplement contains Guarana.
The plant originates from the Amazonian guarana parts of the Brazilian and Uruguayan rainforests. For centuries it was used by Brazilian Indians as obshtostimulirashto and remedy.
Guarana is a mild stimulant and acts on the central nervous system to prevent fatigue and break down lactic acid formed as a result of muscle stress. Used to is irritation and depressed in the brain as a result of mental stress or fatigue and exhaustion due to hot weather. Chemical studies have demonstrated that Guarana contains xanthine involving mainly guaranin (natural caffeine), theobromine and theophylline, which have relaxed muscles and diuretic. Caffeine and xanthine also have a stimulating effect on central nervous system and circulatory system. The joint action of the other components of the extract from the seeds is due to special effects of Guarana. It contains two to three times more caffeine than coffee or tea.
Guarana is used as a stimulant, diuretic and remedy for diarrhea. Used also as a nervous system tonic, invigorating, stimulating an anti-fatigue, reduce hunger and relieve headaches, migraines and predmestrualnite symptoms.
Guarana long been used in many countries. No evidence of negative effects.
  • grape sugar, supplying energy to the brain and nerves;
  • extract from brown algae to burn fat
    B-vitamins are recommended for people who suffer from frequent headaches, neurological problems, anemia, depression, poor blood supply to the extremities, muscle pains, skin problems, hair loss, and others. People who smoke, drink alcohol and consume too much sugar, need more B vitamins. If pregnant, nursing, users contraceptive drugs and antacids, the need for this vitamin is also greater. In all stress - illness, anxiety, trauma, postoperative period - taking the B complex of vitamins B1 should be increased.
    Why supply cells with oxygen is important?
    A prolonged insufficient oxygen supply have different effects on the body. They can manifest as decreased concentration, fatigue, migraines, digestive problems, muscle tension, accelerated aging, weak immune system or chronic diseases. Oxygen is one of the most important ingredients are carried by blood circulation and activates metabolism in each cell of the human body. The effectiveness of this product is in delivering more oxygen to each cell.
    Packing 175g for 1 month. price: 69 lev Ingredients: Vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenate (B5), biotin (B7), Folic acid (B9), grape sugar, guarana powder, beetroot and brown algae
    The product is particularly suitable for learners, students and people in need of prolonged concentration. We drink it before sports exercise for more energy.
The presence of:
grape sugar supplies energy to the brain and nerves, and the extract of brown algae doprinadya to burn fat
Fitline Aktivize Oxy, contributes to:
  • more physical and mental energy
  • helps in normal functioning of the nervous system
  • to supply the cell with more oxygen
  • stimulates fat burning
  • in good concentration, viability
  • stimulates, invigorates and refreshes
  • water soluble: better and faster absorption
  • only natural ingredients: a greater impact and better quality than synthetic vitamins
  • with patent: EP + EP 1293133 1563743
Products that combine well to achieve good results:
Fitline Q10
Fitline Omega 3
Fitline Pro Shape
Fitline Zellschutz
Fitline Restorate
Method of use:
Once daily in the morning, dissolve 1 teaspoon of the powder into 150 ml voda.Pie slowly.
Packing 175 g
Produced by GPS Standard
New: Fitline Aktivize Oxy sweetened with STEVIA
Read for stevia and why it is preferred by companies.
10% discount and free delivery to any city in order +968 92525105 or
Here you will find everything for your health.
With experience of over twenty years of Balgraskiyat market in improving the quality of life.